School Visits
Visit our farm in the Hampshire countryside
We have many strong links with schools in the area and have been running farm visits for over 15 years.
Farms are fantastic learning environments for children and we are committed to enabling children to spend time outdoors, in the farmyard, the woods, the fields, experiencing first hand the natural environment and learning where their food comes from. We are also proud to work in close association with the Country Trust, an educational charity that aims to increase opportunities for less advantaged children and those with disabilities.
Our visits are tailored to your curriculum requirements and to the needs of your particular children and depending on the season, may involve lambing, sheep shearing but run throughout the year. We have toilet facilities, a large undercover space for shelter and from spring 2020, will have a fantastic indoor space that will support additional activities such as cooking, arts & crafts. Please email anna@chiltonmanorfarm.com to make an enquiry, or to book a school visit.